Absolution restores the life, when by sin we have broken or marred our union with Christ, the source of our life

Meet Our Clergy

The Reverend
Jaime Torres
Vicar of All Saints Anglican Church is the Reverend Father Jaime V. Torres.
Father – a citizen of the United States came originally from Peru in the northwest of South America. His is a classically trained Priest – a graduate of a Seminary in Abancay, Peru with degrees in Theology & Philosophy. He is also a University graduate with a Ba in Education and a Ba in Social Science.
Ministry Experience:
Parish Vicar 1995 – 1998 Abancay, Peru.
Pastor 1998 – 2007 Abancay,Peru
Missionary Priest 2008 – 2010. Mission to the High Andes, Peru
Pastor 2011 –2016 Brownsville, Texas
Assistant to the Incumbent 2016 – 2017. All Saints , Tulsa
Assistant Priest 2017 – 2019 All Saints, Tulsa
Vicar 2019 - to - the present All Saints Tulsa
Father’s wife Ada is currently a homemaker, attending English language classes and studying for her Citizens exam. Ada’s hobbies involve using her artistic hands to make all manner of items she especially enjoys sewing. Ada enthusiastically but quietly assists her husband in his parish outreach, she particularly loves children.
Hillary is 8years old, she attends Jenks East Elementary School, she is a sweet natured shy little girl, who loves swimming, ballet and who is currently exploring gymnastics as her possible next venture. Hillary also loves babies and would like one day to be a baby doctor – or – work at MacDonald’s ☺
The Torres Family are looking forward to growing the parish and they warmly practice inclusivity with their multi-national parishioners.